Pink Shirt day !!

Kia ora, today we have pink shirt day and  we are dressed in pink to bring awareness to bullying, PINK stands for positive impact nurturing kindness. Bullying is when someone is repeatedly being unkind and mean, this can be physical, social verbal and online. Bullying is deliberate not by accident even though their actions might not be ok. Bullying is when someone does it on purpose. How can we stop bullying, be kind, positive and don’t judge some even though they are different. And to always remember that being different is not a bad thing. The money that you have brought today is being donated to the New Zealand Mental Health foundation.

This is me and my mates dressed in pink!

What do you know about pink shirt day??



2 thoughts on “Pink Shirt day !!

  1. Hi Ella
    I really like your blog and how much information you added about PINK shirt day. I learnt alot about bullying and why its not good. I like the photo you added as well.

  2. Hi Ella
    I really love your blog and how much information you added about PINK shirt day. I learnt alot about bullying and why its not good. That is a very cool photo you added. I now know the money donated goes to New Zealand Mental Health foundation.
    – Bella

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