Category: Hanga | Create

My Positive Poem

Kia ora, welcome back to my blog. This week for my blog I will be sharing with you my poem that I made  We made these poems about Gods creation which is the earth and nature. The poem I choose to do is the acrostic poem. An acrostic poem is when you choose a word to go down the side and then you have words across like this. ( here is mine )

Here is my acrostic poem as you can see I choose the word nature down the side and then a sentence across but the first word in the sentence had to start with each letter down the poem and if that doesn’t make sense just look at my poem.

Did my blog teach you anything?

My terrific trip

Kia ora, welcome back to my blog. This week for my blog I will be sharing with you my trip I went on. For my trip before it all started we had to fill out a form to choose which one we wanted to go on. There were three options they were: Sumner beach, Travis wet lands or the groynes. I chose to go to the groynes and so did the rest of my friends. When the groups came out all of my friends were in the same group except Claudia because she had a concussion when we filled out the form so she didn’t get to choose.

There were two groups going to the groynes my friends and I were group one and our teacher was miss Bryce and miss Lamont and we also had some parent help that came with us too. When the trip had started we had a chat to the park ranger. Then he took us on a walk talking about the trees and the birds. As the walk started we went on this swinging bridge and it was really fun I almost fell over. Once we got of the bridge we walked through the trees learning about some off them as we were walking along. Some of the trees that we learnt about were : Lemon wood, crack willow, ropai, kowai, whiteoak and more that I can’t remember.

Once we finished the walk we talked with the park ranger some more and then got on to this activity. For the activity we had to grab these little sive things on a stick and we had to do a small figure 8 in the water to try and find the small fish. We had to get into groups of three, my group consisted of Bella, Payton, Eden and I but then Payton left us so Avalon joined our group. My group caught so much water boutmin but we couldn’t find any other ones.

After that activity we played a game I’m not sure what the game was called but the rules were: There were four groups of different number of people in each group, the groups were different animals representing a food web. the water boutmin were at the start of the food web and we ended up winning because one of the animals in the food web all died so all the other animals were effected by it except my team because we only needed sun, dirt, and water to survive. After that we went back to school

Did you learn anything about the groynes from my blog?

laudato si poster

Kia ora, welcome back to my blog for this weeks blog I will be sharing with you my laudato si create task. For this create task we were able to choose from three options either: a drawing of our school being sustainable, a word search or a poster. But if you choose to do the word search or the poster you had to do both. I chose to do the poster so I also did the word search. For my poster I had to make a rhyme or something like that and put either something like what our world shouldn’t look like what it should look like or both. and for my word search I had to put 15 words that linked somewhat to laudato si. here is my poster and I would share my word search but it deletes when you close the tab.

What do you notice about my create?


kia ora, welcome back to my blog. For my blog this week I will be showing you my Reading create. This week for reading our create was pretty easy because it was a really short week. So for this week the create was to create a super hero we had to: give it a name, a backstory, a message that they would tell the world and a super power. My super hero was named H20 Dakota, it is a black super hero that is an eshay. Here is my super hero

My super hero grew a lot of things after being bit by the nonchalant eshay fish. including : a water blaster, a fishing line to reel things in, tns that are forever on her feet and an scuba mask.

What is your favorite part about my nonchalant eshay super hero?

Amazing Alpine – reading create

Kia ora, welcome back to my blog, this week for my blog I will be sharing with you my Reading create. For my Reading we have been learning about different habitats like: Estuaries, Alpine and marine Estuaries. But the week in particular we have been learning about the alpine habitats. For the create we had to use one of the provocations from this week, create a slide or drawing and record yourself stating your opinion on that provocation and then also put on all of the other tasks we did. 

What do you know about the alpine?

Pink Shirt day !!

Kia ora, today we have pink shirt day and  we are dressed in pink to bring awareness to bullying, PINK stands for positive impact nurturing kindness. Bullying is when someone is repeatedly being unkind and mean, this can be physical, social verbal and online. Bullying is deliberate not by accident even though their actions might not be ok. Bullying is when someone does it on purpose. How can we stop bullying, be kind, positive and don’t judge some even though they are different. And to always remember that being different is not a bad thing. The money that you have brought today is being donated to the New Zealand Mental Health foundation.

This is me and my mates dressed in pink!

What do you know about pink shirt day??



My Wonderful Writing

Kia ora, welcome back to my blog, for my blog this week I will be sharing with you my writing. In my writing class we had been learning about insect mihis. An insect mihi is introducing an insect in terms of its family, its Linnean classification and where it can be found in a landscape. For the create task we had to choose an insect and find all of these things Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Suborder, Infraorder, Superfamily, Family for the insect you choose and then find out what they mean for the certain animal. I chose to do mine on a honey bee. Here is my create task. 

Did you know this about bees?

RE – Holy Week – Must do task

Kia ora, This week I will be sharing with you my RE must do task. Last week for RE we learnt about what each day signifies in holy week. Then for the RE task we and to create on a Google drawing an explanation on each day of the holy week. Such as Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Saturday and lastly Easter Sunday.  This is my create task.

Did you learn anything from my blog? If so what did you learn?



My Reading Blog

Kia ora, Welcome back to my blog this week for my blog post I will be sharing with you my Reading create task. For my reading, we had to choose a text to read from the options we were given and then chose a task to do off of that text. I chose to read the diary of a wimpy kid and I had to summaries the text in 10 words. Here is my create task. I hope you enjoy it 🙂

Have you ever read the diary of a wimpy kid? If so do you think my 10 words describe the text well?

RE- Tiktok Proflie

Kia ora, Welcome back to my blog. This week for my blog I will be sharing with you my RE create. For my Re create we had to create an Image or a profile about Jesus ( like quotes. ) I decided to create a Tiktok profile about quotes about Jesus and God. The purpose of this create was to share our faithfulness, and I chose to do this because I am faithful to God and I have shown this by sharing faithful quotes about God and Jesus.

Have you thought about how God loves you lately? if not you should!!